
northern room

Friends, I don't have anything new to report tonight, but I do have some cool news about an old K-12 schoolmate of mine. Milwaukee's 94 WKTI recently staged a contest for a local band to win the chance to open for Bon Jovi in their Jan. 28th concert at the Bradley Center. I found out today, that my elementary school crush and high school/college friend's new band won that contest - they will be playing in front of Bon Jovi in a week - so fabulous. Anyway, Andrew Jonathan (he apparently scrapped his youthful nickname A.J.) is the lead singer of
Northern Room and their first EP comes out in a week. If you link to their site it will automatically play some of their stuff. I think they sound fabulous.

I just remembered something funny. When we were in high school I remember being in Spanish class and A.J. was talking to this goofy, class-clown sort about starting a band they were going to call Glass Rose. It was pretty funny. Later A.J. started a band (whose original name I shamefully cannot remember right now) that later morphed into Jacobstone, who I always thought were quite good. Now there is Northern Room. I also remember thinking in high school that one day when A.J. was famous I was going to get to claim that I had known him when he was a kid. I think I'm one step closer to having that dream come true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original name of AJ's band was Vintage.

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam Bruss? I didn't realize you were groupie.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Ha! Adam, you are right, Vintage, but it is funny that you remember that!

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I just heard about the Bon Jovi opener too...sweet. :) I've heard them play a couple of times in the last year or so, or rather heard AJ and portions of the band...and I must agree that they are quite good. Fun that you can claim kidnergarten connections, Laura...

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strangely, memories of AJ's band seemed to randomly pop into my head a few days before I read this. I was wondering if he was still in the music business, and if so, how it was going.

10:53 PM  

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