
leaving on an airplane

Sunday my husband's relatives had a big Mexican baptism party at our house. Baptism is a big deal for Catholics, and throughout the day there were probably 60 people at our house. The festivities started on Saturday, when they purchased two freshly slaughtered lambs and made a tripe stew/soup sort of thing, that I have to admit, was pretty good. That night I made three cheesecakes (my American contribution) and Sunday morning Fermin cooked a big lamb feast - very tasty.

The party was really nice. My mom commented that Mexicans seem to be more laid back and secure with themselves. She also said that the kids seem more content. This was an interesting thought. I have learned a few really good things from watching my sister-in-law raise her now 3-month-old baby across the hall in my house. Carlos is accustomed to many people holding him and taking care of him (because there are always people around) and therefore is very comfortable being around lots of different people. He also has learned to sleep with noise since he was born. He doesn't wake up from the vacuum, music, or regular conversation just a few feet away because he's always had to sleep through this stuff, and so he does so without issue. He's also freaking adorable and rarely cries, so that's alway good, but I think cultures could learn a lot from each other if we understood eachother's customs better.

Well, I am leaving in about 6 hours to go to the airport to fly to D.C., where I will rent a car and drive to Newark, DE to visit my old friend Lulu from China and her Swedish husband Magnus, who I have never met. Lulu is a dear old friend of mine who I met on my first trip there. She's brilliant and speaks brilliant English, and it's a travesty that I haven't made it out to see her in her year in the States. Back before life became complicated (job, marriage, house) I swore I would welcome her at the airport wherever that was when she eventually arrived in America. Anyway, I am so excited to see her and see what sort of advantures we can have this weekend.


Blogger Jack said...

Have fun in DC Laura, and say hi to Lulu for me. I still remember the great dinner we had at her house in Bejing.


6:37 PM  

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