
tv time

Seriously, what is wrong with me? Every time I watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition I start to cry. I mean, even at the start of the show when they talk about these amazing families I get all emotional. Am I a nut or what?

Okay, part deux: I am thinking of getting some sort of iPod. I couldn't think of a good reason to get one before but if I am really going to spend two months in Mexico, I would really like a soundtrack. I recently learned you can get an adaptor and use it in the car too, so that's another selling point. I was thinking about a nano, but then I saw the U2 edition regular iPod and sort of liked that. Okay, any iPod users have any suggestions for me? Thoughts? Recomendations?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, you aren't alone. I cry constantly the whole time I watch that show, and I'm typically not a crier. I love what they are able to do for those families, but it also makes me realize how selfish and ungrateful I am.

Secondly, I recommend the Nano. I have the Ipod Mini and love it, but you might as well go with the smaller one since it holds the same amount of songs and is only $50 more. The U2 one looks cool, but I think it sucks that they only give you a DISCOUNT for the entire U2 collection. If you pay that much extra for the U2 version, I feel like you should automatically get all the U2 songs. I guess I'm just hung up on the principle of it, so you can do whatever you want. These are just my recommendations. :)
The cool thing about the Nano is that it comes in black - Very sleek. :)

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think everyone cries when they watch that show. I have male friends who only cry during Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

Heads up: the October 16 episode is a remodel (or rebuilding) of a camp for disabled and terminally ill children. My boss helped start the camp and just hearing about what they do makes me want to cry.

8:08 AM  
Blogger Lozza said...

Thank goodness i am not the only one who cries over nothing :) Love ur blog by the way :)

11:08 PM  
Blogger allan said...

go with the 60GB, top of the line iPod.
My iPod is the best "thing" i have ever invested in! 2nd comes my $3.59 microwaveable poached egg maker. And 3rd is my bicycle which I bought in S.Africa, took with me to England as my mode of transport and soon became my freedom in Chicago.

4:39 PM  

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